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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 29 Jan 2003

Vol. 560 No. 1

Written Answers. - Flood Relief.

Seán Haughey


268 Mr. Haughey asked the Minister for Finance if agreement has been reached with Dublin City Council and the Office of Public Works in relation to a package of works to be carried out to prevent further flooding in the vicinity of the River Tolka, Drumcondra, Dublin 9; when this work will be carried out; the type of ongoing maintenance work carried out on this river by the Office of Public Works; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [1118/03]

Following the severe flooding in Dublin City from the River Tolka on 14 and 15 November, 2002, the consultants, engaged in the study of the Tolka River catchment, were asked to prepare an interim report, outlining any measures which might be undertaken to alleviate flooding in the worst affected areas. A report was presented to Dublin City Council and the Office of Public Works, which contained a number of recommendations aimed at reducing the risk of flooding in these areas.

Following detailed examination of the interim report the Office of Public Works and Dublin City Council have now agreed a package of works to be carried out on the River Tolka in the Glasnevin and Drumcondra areas of Dublin City. These agreed works will be undertaken by Office of Public Works on behalf of the city council. The proposed works are currently the subject of a public consultation procedure by the city council as required by Part 8 of the planning and development regulations. Included in this are the raising or construction of walls and embankments at various locations between Glasnevin and Drumcondra, replacement and raising of Woodville Road footbridge, and also the raising of some ground upstream of Tolka Park. I am advised that city council officials hope to put the report on the Part 8 public consultation before the March meeting of Dublin City Council for approval. If it is approved, work on these measures will take place immediately thereafter. In the interim the city council are also consulting with the relevant bodies in relation to any environmental implications of the proposed works. The agreed programme of works will be funded by Office of Public Works and is expected to cost in the region of €600,000 –€700,000. The Deputy will be aware that in addition to the above, Office of Public Works is already undertaking emergency works in the form of the maintenance cleaning of the channel from Distillery Weir in Drumcondra to Glasnevin, to remove accumulated silt and debris in order to maximise channel capacity in this area and construction of embankments from Woodville Road footbridge upstream along both sides of Griffith Park.

Not all of the recommendations contained in the interim report are being carried out at this time. Given the requirements for site investigations, detailed design of the works, public consultation and public procurement procedures, and environmental considerations it would take quite a considerable time to implement all the recommendations of the interim report. The concern of the city council and Office of Public Works has been to devise a package of works which can be carried out before next winter and which will provide a substantial degree of protection should similar flood events recur. I am conscious also that the full report on the River Tolka catchment is due to be completed in May and will provide additional information on which decisions in relation to the entire Tolka catchment can be made.