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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 29 Jan 2003

Vol. 560 No. 1

Written Answers. - Special Educational Needs.

Finian McGrath


346 Mr. F. McGrath asked the Minister for Education and Science if all visually impaired children will get the maximum services in 2003 in order to improve their quality of life; and if he will make this a priority issue when planning services. [1038/03]

I can assure the Deputy that I am fully committed to ensuring that all children with special needs, including children with visual impairment, will continue to have access to the best possible education service.

Children with visual impairment are catered for in special schools, in special dedicated classes attached to ordinary schools and in integrated settings. Special schools and special classes catering for children with visual impairment operate at a special reduced pupil teacher ratio of 8:1 and are supported by the special needs assistant service. Such children are also entitled to avail of the special school transport service which includes an escort service. Children with visual impairment attending special schools and special classes also attract a special annual rate of capitation funding of €481.50 for children under 12 years and €573 for children of 12 years and over.
Where a child with visual impairment attends an ordinary school on a fully integrated basis, he or she can be supported by the resource teacher service and-or the special needs assistant service. At present there are approximately 2,300 resource teachers and 3,800 full-time and an additional 1,000 part-time special needs assistants in the primary system.
Children with visual impairment can also be supported by the visiting teacher service which includes specialists in visual impairment. These children are also entitled to funding support for the purchase of specialised equipment necessary to assist them in their education.
My Department is currently considering proposals for the establishment of a national centre for the visually impaired. A project team appointed by my Department to develop a master plan for such a development presented its interim report to my Department in December 2002. This plan is currently being examined in my Department.