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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 11 Feb 2003

Vol. 561 No. 1

Written Answers. - Cancer Screening Programme.

Brendan Howlin


140 Mr. Howlin asked the Minister for Health and Children if his attention has been drawn to the recent case where a woman had to wait for three months for the results of a smear test taken at the National Maternity Hospital; the steps being taken to reduce the waiting time for such results at the National Maternity Hospital and other hospitals; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [3409/03]

The question of waiting times associated with the cervical cytology service in the National Maternity Hospital is a matter for the Eastern Regional Health Authority. Accordingly, my Department has asked the regional chief executive to investigate the matter raised by the Deputy and to reply to him directly. I should point out that I am committed to facilitating boards in achieving a reduction in the waiting times for cervical smear test results. In this regard, my Department has, over the last few years, allocated additional funding to provide for the establishment of new posts, purchase of new equipment and the introduction of new technology in the cervical cytology laboratories. In 2003, an extra €1.4 million has been provided to assist ongoing developments in the cervical cytology and colposcopy services.

I recently approved the piloting by the phase one cervical screening programme of a proposed contingency plan to assist in overcoming capacity problems in the cervical cytology laboratories. This plan involves the contracting out of cervical smears to an external laboratory subject to compliance with the requirements set out in the 1999 document, Quality Assurance Guidelines for the Irish national cervical screening programme. I am advised that arrangements for the pilot are at an advanced stage.
