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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 11 Feb 2003

Vol. 561 No. 1

Written Answers. - Health Insurance.

Emmet Stagg


153 Mr. Stagg asked the Minister for Health and Children if he has received a request from the board of the VHI for part privatisation of the company; the response he has made; the Government's plans for the future of the VHI; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [3427/03]

The White Paper on Private Health Insurance set out the Government's proposals regarding the corporate status of the Voluntary Health Insurance board. This provided for the establishment of the VHI as a company under the Companies Acts, with full commercial freedom of operation, in the ownership of the Minister for Finance. The possibility of third party investment and eventual full sale of the State's interest in VHI, if deemed desirable by the Government, were also addressed in the White Paper.

Further to the White Paper, corporate financial and legal advisers were engaged to examine the strategic options for the VHI and they have reported. The advices provided by the consultants are currently under consideration in my Department. The VHI board has indicated that, in principle, it favours being privatised and this has been noted in the context of the consideration to be given to VHI's future.

Ultimately, proposals by the Government for a change in VHI's corporate status will require legislation and will therefore arise for consideration and discussion in the Houses of the Oireachtas.

Question No. 154 answered with Question No. 129.

Question No. 155 answered with Question No. 101.
