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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 11 Feb 2003

Vol. 561 No. 1

Written Answers. - Monaghan Hospital Inquiry.

Liz McManus


181 Ms McManus asked the Minister for Health and Children his views on the report of the expert group on the death of a person (details supplied) whose mother had been refused admission to Monaghan Hospital; the progress he has made in the review of protocols to deal with emergency cases in all health board areas; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [3397/03]

On receipt of the report of the independent review panel into this case, which was published on the 20 December 2002, I appointed Mr. Kevin Bonner, management consultant and former Secretary General of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, to work with the North Eastern Health Board in implementing the findings of the independent review panel. Mr. Bonner is continuing to work with the board in this regard. In addition, the North Eastern Health Board has established a review group to examine the current protocol for dealing with emergency obstetric cases and this group will report to the chief executive officer by the end of February.

In the light of the findings and recommendations of the independent review panel, I have instructed the regional chief executive of the ERHA and the chief executive officers of the health boards to review protocols for the handling of emergency admissions, both obstetrical and other, in all relevant hospitals.

Question No. 182 answered with Question No. 108.

Question No. 183 answered with Question No. 141.
