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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 11 Feb 2003

Vol. 561 No. 1

Written Answers. - Heart Disease.

Michael D. Higgins


187 Mr. M. Higgins asked the Minister for Health and Children the steps he proposes to take to reduce heart disease among manual workers in view of the findings of the recent report of his Department's chief medical officer that such workers are three times more likely to die from this condition than professionals; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [3408/03]

Mortality rates for heart disease are substantially higher for the Irish population than the European Union average. In Ireland it is also clear that the burden of morbidity and mortality of cardiovascular diseases is unevenly distributed within our population. It is a fact that those whose level of economic prosperity is less than that of the wider community in which they live, suffer disproportionately in relation to cardiovascular disease and early death when compared to the community as a whole and, in particular, to those sections of the community who enjoy greater economic prosperity.

In order to address the prevalence of cardiovascular disease in Ireland the Government endorsed the Cardiovascular Health Strategy – Building Healthier Hearts, in 1999. The strategy contains 211 evidence-based recommendations. Its overall aims are to: reduce the risk factor profile in the general population; detect those at high risk; deal effectively with those who have clinical disease; and ensure the best survival and quality of life outcome for those who recover from an acute attack.

I have allocated €54 million to date to the implementation of this strategy and significant progress has been achieved across a wide spectrum of services including health promotion, primary care, pre-hospital care, hospital services and cardiac rehabilitation. In total, 800 professional staff have been recruited directly through the cardiovascular health strategy.

The heart health task force is currently finalising a report on progress, achievements and benefits to date arising from this implementation process and I expect to launch the report in March 2003.

Tackling cardiovascular health inequality requires a societal approach, recognising that health services provide only one element within a broader context. The implementation of the national health promotion strategy 2000-2005 as well as the cardiovascular health strategy address the determinants of cardiovascular health through intersectoral collaboration. The target group for all cardiovascular health inequality actions are those in society most at risk of cardiovascular disease.
