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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 18 Feb 2003

Vol. 561 No. 4

Written Answers. - Job Losses.

Seymour Crawford


120 Mr. Crawford asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment the progress to date in retaining or replacing the jobs lost in a company (details supplied) in County Monaghan; if progress is being made to have tax incentives available for the industrial site at Lough Egish, Castleblayney; her other plans to save jobs and create employment in the south and mid-Monaghan region; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [4392/03]

The position in relation to the company in question is that an interim examiner has been appointed to assess the future prospects of the company. It is likely that the company will cease to be a manufacturing company but will continue as a trading company. The company is continuing to trade pending the report of the examiner. There had been a significant decline in the company's business activity. I understand that the company will be discussing proposed redundancies with union and staff representatives.

As regards job creation, an IDA-assisted company employing 60 people was established in Carrickmacross last year. This company produces dinner trays for the consumer fast foods markets. It is anticipated that employment numbers will increase as the company goes into full production. In addition, Enterprise Ireland is currently negotiating with and facilitating four new start-up businesses in the prepared consumer foods sector. These would be based in the Food Enterprise Park at Lough Egish. At community level, under the community enterprise centre programme last year, both Emyvale Development Association and Monaghan Chamber of Commerce received support.
As part of its regional development strategy, the IDA is committed to placing 50% of all new investment into the BMW region. IDA Ireland is pursuing high-quality new investment and also helping existing companies to move up the value chain into higher value products and services. Enterprise Ireland's activity in the county is focused on new high-potential start-up companies and the retention and creation of new jobs in existing companies. The work of IDA Ireland and Enterprise Ireland together with the county enterprise board and local initiatives is of paramount importance in saving existing jobs and creating new jobs and opportunities for enterprise in the region. The question of tax incentives is a matter for the Minister for Finance.