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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 27 Feb 2003

Vol. 562 No. 3

Written Answers - School Enrolments.

Bernard J. Durkan


144 Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Education and Science if his attention has been drawn to the enrolment problems for the various primary and post-primary schools throughout the country; if he will approve the necessary funding for the immediate implementation of the schools building programme in such cases having regard to the urgency to provide accommodation and other facilities in such circumstances; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [6050/03]

Enrolment in individual schools is the responsibility of the managerial authority of those schools and my Department does not seek to intervene in decisions made by schools in such matters. Individual decisions on enrolment are, however, subject to appeal to the Secretary General of my Department under section 29 of the Education Act 1998.

My Department's main responsibility is to ensure that schools in an area can, between them, cater for all pupils seeking second level places in an area. This may result, however, in some pupils not obtaining a place in the school of their first choice.

It is the responsibility of the managerial authorities of schools that are not in a position to admit all pupils seeking entry to implement an enrolment policy in accordance with the Education Act. In this regard a board of management may find it necessary to restrict enrolment to children from a particular area or a particular age group or, occasionally, on the basis of some other criterion.

The 2003 capital programme has been published and on the basis of the budgetary allocation it was not possible to include any further projects in 2003. The budgetary allocation for 2004 and subsequent years will determine the rate of progress on projects that could not be included in this year's programme.