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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 5 Mar 2003

Vol. 562 No. 5

Written Answers - Special Educational Needs.

Finian McGrath


266 Mr. F. McGrath asked the Minister for Education and Science if there is a person from his Department in charge of services for children with disabilities in both primary and second-level schools. [6730/03]

Services for children with special educational needs are delivered across a number of business units within my Department. These units are supported by advice from various professionals such as the national educational psychological service and my Department's inspectorate. I am currently pursuing a comprehensive change agenda with the aim of enhancing my Department's capacity and that of its agencies, to achieve its goals and objectives, including the delivery of services for children with special educational needs. These changes are in line with the recommendations in the review by Mr. Seán Cromien of the Department's organisation, systems and staffing.

In addition to the ongoing development of services, I am taking steps to ensure that the necessary arrangements are put in place for an effective and efficient system of service delivery. A key development in this regard has been the decision to establish the National Council for Special Education. The council, which will have a local area presence, will play a key role in the development and delivery of services for persons with special needs. Arrangements for the establishment of the council are now well advanced and a chief executive was appointed recently.
