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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 5 Mar 2003

Vol. 562 No. 5

Written Answers - Official Engagements.

Róisín Shortall


154 Ms Shortall asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he will make a statement on his meeting on 4 February 2003 with the US Ambassador-at-Large, Mr. Richard Haass. [6441/03]

Billy Timmins


156 Mr. Timmins asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs If he will make a statement on his recent discussions with US Special Envoy Richard Haass. [6552/03]

I propose to take Questions Nos. 154 and 156 together.

Since his appointment by President Bush as Ambassador-at-Large with overall responsibility for Ireland, Ambassador Haass, and I have exchanged views on a regular basis and met on a number of occasions, most recently on 4 February in Dublin. The meeting provided a useful and timely opportunity to discuss developments in Northern Ireland, in particular the round of talks between the two Governments and the pro-Agreement parties focusing on rebuilding confidence and resolving the remaining outstanding difficulties in the peace process. I updated Ambassador Haass on the Irish Government's position, in particular our commitment to working closely with all those involved to address the outstanding issues and secure the full implementation of the Good Friday Agreement at an early date.

During our meeting, I availed of the opportunity to reiterate the Government's deep appreciation for the ongoing support of President Bush and the US Administration for the peace process. Ambassador Haass and I also exchanged views on a number of issues of current international issues of mutual interest, in particular Iraq and the Middle East.

Joe Sherlock


155 Mr. Sherlock asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs the matters discussed and conclusions reached at the meeting between his Minister of State and the President of the Red Cross, Dr. Jacob Keilenberger, in Dublin on 7 January 2003; if, in particular, the question of humanitarian relief for the people of Iraq was discussed; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [6440/03]

The Minister of State with special responsibility for Development Co-operation and Human Rights, Deputy Kitt, met Dr. Jacob Keilenberger, the President of the International Committee for the Red Cross, ICRC, on 7 January 2003. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the work of the ICRC generally and Ireland Aid's current programme engagement with the ICRC.

The meeting covered common priorities which the ICRC and Ireland share in terms of responding to humanitarian emergencies and the needs of those populations, especially women and children, who are most affected by conflict and disasters. The Minister of State, Deputy Kitt, recalling Ireland's funding of the ICRC over the years, reaffirmed his commitment to work closely with the ICRC and its affiliates in the Red Cross family in responding to humanitarian emergencies worldwide. This reflects the high regard in which the ICRC is held by Ireland and the international humanitarian community and the important role it fulfils in providing early assistance to vulnerable and suffering people particularly in conflicts. Discussions also focused on the new partnership programme with the ICRC which was initiated in December 2002 and which supports the ICRC's protection programmes in Africa, a key priority for Ireland and the ICRC.

Dr. Keilenberger greatly appreciates Ireland's support in responding to the ICRC's emergency appeals and also the political support given in the area of international humanitarian law. Dr. Keilenberger informed the Minister of State, Deputy Kitt, on ICRC country programmes in key regions, including programmes in Iraq. In Iraq the ICRC is involved in the rehabilitation of hospitals, water and sanitation and general humanitarian relief activities. It is monitoring carefully the humanitarian situation in Iraq and will respond further in the light of developments.

Question No. 156 answered with Question No. 154.

Question No. 157 answered with Question No. 142.
