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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 5 Mar 2003

Vol. 562 No. 5

Written Answers - Ministerial Travel.

Olivia Mitchell


200 Ms O. Mitchell asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs the issues of concern to Ireland that he will be raising on his St. Patrick's Day visit to the US. [6556/03]

I plan to visit the San Francisco area during the St. Patrick's day period and a comprehensive programme is being finalised by the Consulate General there. I look forward to raising a number of issues of important national interest during a wide range of engagements. This will include meetings with the Mayor of San Francisco, key local representatives, trade and tourism agencies, business and investment contacts and Irish community groups. I also look forward to thanking contacts in the United States for their ongoing support for the peace process and to updating them on recent developments.
