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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 25 Mar 2003

Vol. 563 No. 4

Written Answers - Third Level Fees.

Brian O'Shea


279 Mr. O'Shea asked the Minister for Education and Science his proposals to re-introduce third level fees; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [7736/03]

A review of student support provisions is being undertaken within my Department, with the aim of ensuring that the benefits of the substantial investment being made are maximised, in accordance with the following terms of reference: to review the present system of tuition fees and student supports, having regard to international experience, in order to provide options for the Minister's consideration with a view to ensuring greater equity in access to, and participation in, higher education.

The review will include a review of schemes in operation in many OECD countries and will, in accordance with its terms of reference, provide options for my consideration. Officials of my Department are conducting the review with the engagement of external expertise as necessary. In this regard, the Economic and Social Research Institute has undertaken work to enable my Department to estimate the cost of various options. Relevant recently published reports will also inform the work of the review group. I expect that the review will be submitted for my attention in the near future. When I have had an opportunity to consider the contents of the review I will bring the matter to Cabinet.
