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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 25 Mar 2003

Vol. 563 No. 4

Written Answers - Taxi Regulations.

Richard Bruton


507 Mr. R. Bruton asked the Minister for Transport the terms of reference for the interim taxi regulator which he has appointed; when he proposes to give a statutory basis for the regulation of taxis; and if taxi regulation will specify requirements for drivers that ensure that a reasonable living can be obtained from a normal working week, and that core hours of availability are spread among all drivers obtaining licences. [7636/03]

The recently appointed interim chairman of the commission for taxi regulation, Mr. Jimmy Farrelly, has been asked to carry out a consultation process with the taxi, hackney and limousine industry, local authorities, the Garda Síochána and other interest groups with a view to assessing and addressing issues relating to standards in the industry in advance of the appointment of a statutory commission. Mr. Farrelly has also been asked to advise on the appropriate procedures to be used to implement the findings of the taxi hardship panel.

As I have already indicated, I am prepared to act on any recommendations proposed by Mr. Farrelly for urgent changes to the current regulations on standards proposed following this consultation. The preparation of the necessary legislation to support the establishment of the commission for taxi regulation is proceeding as a matter of urgency in my Department. This legislation will also address issues relating to the licensing of drivers and operators of all small public service vehicles including the standards that will apply to the grant of such licences and the operation of such vehicles. Pending the enactment of the new legislation, the existing statutory codes relating to the licensing and operation of small public service vehicles will continue to apply.
