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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 27 Mar 2003

Vol. 563 No. 6

Written Answers - Family Support Agency.

Joan Burton


35 Ms Burton asked the Minister for Social and Family Affairs if the proposed family support agency has been established; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [8479/03]

The Family Support Agency Act 2001 provides for the establishment of the agency. Its functions will be as follows: to provide a family mediation service; to support, promote and develop the provision of marriage and relationship counselling and family support services; to support, promote and develop the family and community services resource centres programme; to promote and disseminate information about these services and family issues; and to provide financial assistance to voluntary organisations for these purposes.

The chairman and members designate of the new body have been appointed. They are overseeing the completion of preparations for its formal establishment, including the appointment of a chief executive. As soon as these arrangements have been made I will formally establish it.
