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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 3 Apr 2003

Vol. 564 No. 3

Written Answers - Dairy Produce.

Bernard J. Durkan


116 Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the markets likely to have the greatest potential for increased exports of Irish dairy produce, his efforts in this regard; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9427/03]

Approximately 80% of exported Irish dairy products are consigned to other EU countries and these destinations will undoubtedly continue to offer the greatest potential. EU enlargement has paved the way for another 106 million consumers to join this already large market and the increased trading opportunities this provides will further increase the importance of the internal EU market for Irish exporters.

Some months ago, in association with Enterprise Ireland and the industry itself, I commissioned a strategic study of the Irish dairy processing sector. Part of the terms of reference for that study was to identify market opportunities for dairy products. The results of this study were presented on 19 March. In their report, the consultants we tasked have identified opportunities for Ireland in the developed EU markets, the developing eastern European markets, the Middle East, North Africa and the Americas. They have also suggested the type of product portfolio required for these markets. While action to be taken in response to the recommendations of that report will be for the industry itself, my Department and I will do whatever is necessary to assist in driving forward those recommendations. As part of our efforts, I have already met with Enterprise Ireland and will hold a series of meetings with co-operatives and processors with a view to identifying the best way of achieving the objectives set out in the report.
