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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 7 May 2003

Vol. 566 No. 1

Written Answers. - Flood Relief.

John Bruton


231 Mr. J. Bruton asked the Minister for Finance the amount of funding which will be allocated to improve the Tolka river basin in Dunboyne to prevent further flooding; when these flood works will commence; if this flood relief will extend as far as lands at Tara (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11521/03]

As the Deputy will be aware, the consultants conducting the report on flooding on the River Tolka catchment, produced an interim report for Meath County Council on flood alleviation measures that could be undertaken this year to reduce the risk of flooding in the worst affected areas in the Clonee and Dunboyne areas. Discussions took place earlier this year between Meath County Council and the Office of Public Works and a package of works was agreed on to be undertaken by the Office of Public Works. The estimated cost of these interim works is €300,000. Funding will be provided by the Office of Public Works.

The Office of Public Works has already carried out emergency works in the form of maintenance cleaning of the channel to remove debris and accumulated silt. More detailed works, which involve the construction of walls and embankments and the underpinning of bridges, forms part of a public consultation procedure by Meath County Council as required by Part 8 of the planning and development regulations. The package of works, as proposed, has been placed on public display by the county council until 8 May. Members of the public have until 27 May to submit observations to the council. The Office of Public Works must await the approval of the county council before any works can commence. It is expected that the council will consider it at their monthly meeting in June.
The stream at The Commons, Tara, to which the Deputy refers is a tributary of the River Boyne. This tributary did not form part of the Boyne drainage scheme and therefore the Office of Public Works is not responsible for its maintenance.
The general foreman for Boyne drainage scheme viewed the scene of the case detailed and are willing to commence works to rectify the problem. The river is not approved for drainage as far up stream as these lands and this needs to be rectified urgently, as there was severe flooding there last winter.