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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 7 May 2003

Vol. 566 No. 1

Written Answers. - National Lottery Funding.

Charlie O'Connor


392 Mr. O'Connor asked the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism the programme being followed in respect of the national lottery capital sports grants scheme; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11957/03]

Under the national lottery-funded sports capital programme, which is administered by my Department, grants are allocated to sporting and community organisations at local, regional and national level throughout the country for the provision of sporting facilities. Projects must be directly related to the provision of sport and recreation facilities and be of a capital nature, which for the purpose of the programme is defined as expenditure on: the improvement or construction of an asset and includes any costs directly incurred in this process; and purchase of permanently based sports equipment, providing it is securely housed and will remain in use for five years or more. The programme, however, does not assist in the purchase of sites, premises or personal equipment such as sports kits, gloves or personal protective clothing.

The programme is advertised on an annual basis. The 2003 sports capital programme was advertised in the national newspapers on 23 and 24 March 2003. The closing date for receipt of applications was 25 April. More than 1,300 applications were received before the closing date. These applications are currently being evaluated against the programme's assessment criteria, which are outlined in the guidelines, terms and conditions of the programme. Recommendations based on the conclusions of this process and having regard to the amount of funding available for distribution will then be made to me. I intend to announce the grant allocations for the programme as soon as possible after receiving these recommendations.

David Stanton


393 Mr. Stanton asked the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism if he has received an application from the Ballymore community association, Cobh, County Cork for funding in order to enable the association to develop the old school in Walterstown into a community centre; if the application will be expedited; when he expects to announce the next tranche of national lottery funding; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [12035/03]

The national lottery-funded sports capital programme, which is administered by my Department, allocates funding to sporting and community organisations at local, regional and national level throughout the country. The 2003 sports capital programme was advertised in the national newspapers on 23 and 24 March 2003. The closing date for receipt of applications was 25 April. More than 1,300 applications were received before the closing date, including one from the organisation in question. All applications are currently being evaluated against the programme's assessment criteria, which are outlined in the guidelines, terms and conditions of the programme. I intend to announce the grant allocations for the programme as soon as possible after the assessment process has been completed.
