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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 8 May 2003

Vol. 566 No. 2

Written Answers. - Local Drugs Task Force.

Tony Gregory


202 Mr. Gregory asked the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he will review the decision to mainstream two community policing fora via different Government Departments, that is, the north inner city CPF via the Department of Environment and Local Government and the Cabra CPF through the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform; his views on whether it is more appropriate that both of these identical CPF be mainstreamed via one Government Department, that is, the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [12456/03]

As the Deputy is aware, funding for pilot local drugs task force projects is channelled from my Department through a designated Department or State agency. This arrangement allows for the development of a funding and working relationship between the project and the State body with a view to that project's eventual mainstreaming. Mainstreaming is an important feature of the LDTF process whereby projects, which are deemed to be achieving their objectives, have their continued funding taken over by a designated Department or agency. Decisions on mainstreaming of local drugs task force projects are taken after they have been piloted and successfully evaluated.

In regard to the projects in question, the channel of funding for the community policing forum in the north inner city, which was contained in their first action plan, was Dublin City Council. That forum dealt with estate management and community policing issues. Upon completion of a successful evaluation, the city council agreed to mainstream the project.

The forum in the Finglas-Cabra task force is contained in their second action plan and will be funded through the Garda Síochána during its pilot phase. No decision on mainstreaming this project will be taken until it has been evaluated after the pilot period.

Tony Gregory


203 Mr. Gregory asked the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if funding to local drugs tasks forces is being ringfenced from financial cutbacks by statutory agencies; and his policy in this regard. [12457/03]

As the Deputy is aware my Department has responsibility for the work of the local drugs task forces, LDTFs, which were established in 1997 in the areas experiencing the worst levels of drug misuse, particularly heroin.

Funding to LDTF projects is channelled through other State agencies but is paid from the Vote of my Department. In 2003, the level of funding available in my Department's Vote for drugs projects increased by 16%.

The Deputy should note that 129 projects contained in the first round of LDTF plans have been positively evaluated and were mainstreamed through other Departments and agencies in 2001. Consequently, they are now responsible for their continued and ongoing funding.
