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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 21 May 2003

Vol. 567 No. 2

Written Answers. - Special Educational Needs.

Beverley Flynn


189 Ms Cooper-Flynn asked the Minister for Education and Science if a person (details supplied) in County Mayo can be assessed for additional remedial help. [13958/03]

The school where the pupil in question attends has the services of a shared learning support (remedial) teacher. It is a matter for the school principal, together with the learning support teacher, to allocate appropiate time to children requiring learning support assistance. It is open to the school principal to consult with the national educational psychological service psychologist assigned to the school concerning the necessity for another assessment for the pupil in question.

Michael Ring


190 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Education and Science if a full time assistant can be provided for a person (details supplied) with special needs in County Mayo, when they commence primary school; and if this person will be approved for this. [13965/03]

My Department has no record of receiving an application for special need assistant support for the child referred to by the Deputy. Any application received from the school authorities will be considered in the context of the criteria contained in Department Circular 07/2002 and a response will be conveyed to the school in due course.
