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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 21 May 2003

Vol. 567 No. 2

Written Answers. - School Staffing.

Richard Bruton


201 Mr. R. Bruton asked the Minister for Education and Science if his attention has been drawn to the threatened loss of a teacher in a school (details supplied) in Dublin 3; and if he will use his discretion to allocate a teacher to this school to avoid excessive class sizes of 38 in some grades which will be the consequence. [14044/03]

An independent appeals board was established to adjudicate on appeals from boards of management on mainstream staffing teacher allocations in primary schools. The appeals board operates independently of the Minister and the Department and its decision is final. A circular outlining the new appeal procedures issued to all primary schools.

I understand the staffing of the school referred to by the Deputy for the 2003-04 school year was considered by the appeals board on 9 April, 2003 and that the board of management of the school was notified of the decision of the appeals board on 10 April, 2003.
