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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 28 May 2003

Vol. 567 No. 6

Written Answers. - Departmental Expenditure.

Dan Boyle


196 Mr. Boyle asked the Minister for Health and Children his views on whether his Department's share of the more than ?10 million spent by Government Departments in 2002 on public relations, marketing and advertising represents best value for money; and the plans which exist to reduce spending in this area. [14671/03]

The major part of the expenditure referred to by the Deputy was on a range of public health awareness activities-campaigns such as alcohol, tobacco, physical activity, drugs, sexual health etc. These campaigns have been part of a national strategy to tackle major public health issues such as cancer and cardiovascular disease and to promote healthier lifestyles generally. Action on significant lifestyle factors which influence these major public issues has been recognised by successive administrations as requiring attention and I am sure the Deputy will agree that health promotion measures form an important element in tackling these diseases and in improving public health.

The health strategy, Quality and Fairness A Health Systems for you, sets out detailed plans for further action in the prevention of disease and injury and the promotion of healthier living.

Approximately 4% of overall expenditure under the general heading of public relations, marketing and advertising in 2002 related to the cost of personnel employed in the Department's press office which serves an essential function in providing information to the press and to the general public.
