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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 29 May 2003

Vol. 567 No. 7

Written Answers. - World Trade Organisation.

Bernard J. Durkan


156 Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs the role he expects to adopt in the course of discussions leading up to the next world trade agreement; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [15128/03]

As the Deputy will be aware, primary responsibility for negotiation of matters relating to international trade lies with the Tánaiste and the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment. With regard to agriculture, the Minister for Agriculture and Food plays an important role in the formulation of policy.

My Department works closely with the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment in seeking to ensure that the policies pursued are consistent with Irelands objectives and interests both bilaterally and multilaterally. The current round of negotiations within the World Trade Organisation, the Doha Round, is a development round, designed to address the needs of less developed countries. I and my colleague, Minister of State Deputy Kitt, will continue to ensure that Ireland's priorities in this area are made known and pursued to the benefit of developing countries.
Question No. 157 answered with Question No. 48.