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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 1 Jul 2003

Vol. 570 No. 2

Written Answers. - Mental Health Services.

David Stanton


415 Mr. Stanton asked the Minister for Health and Children the number of assaults on staff that have been recorded in the respective mental hospitals, wards and institutions each year for the past three years; if he has satisfied himself that staffing levels are adequate in each case; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [18632/03]

I am advised that collection of the information in the format requested by the Deputy was commenced by the Inspectorate of Mental Hospitals in 2000.

In 2000 there were 1,088 assaults on staff in the mental health services of which 74 were deemed serious. In 2001 there were 1,081 assaults on staff of which 89 were deemed serious. For the purpose of collection of this data, a serious assault is one where the injured party required medical intervention following the assault. Data in relation to 2002 has not yet been collated.

While it is not possible to comment on individual cases, I am advised that, in general, staffing levels do not constitute a significant contributory cause of assaults in the mental health services.
