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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 9 Oct 2003

Vol. 572 No. 2

Written Answers. - Fishing Fleet Modernisation.

Martin Ferris


130 Mr. Ferris asked the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources the extent to which new refrigerated salt water vessels will increase the size of the Irish fleet. [22768/03]

The overall reference levels for the Irish fishing fleet are set down under EU Commission Regulation 1438/2003, which implements the new EU fleet management policy. The overall reference levels, or capacity limits, are expressed as 86,981 gross tonnes GT and 230,226 kilowatts and the Irish fleet may not exceed these levels.

The total permissible capacity of vessels in the dedicated pelagic RSW fleet segment is 36,470 GT and 47,873kw. There is scope for a limited increase in capacity within this segment, as provided for in EU Commission Regulation 1438/2003, as the current total capacity of vessels in the segment is 31,996 GT and 47,837 kw.

Martin Ferris


131 Mr. Ferris asked the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources the way in which it is proposed to increase the pelagic fleet if safety tonnage was not included in the proposal made by his Department. [22769/03]

The provision of outstanding replacement capacity in respect of safety tonnage will not lead to any increase in the capacity of the pelagic fleet as the full actual capacity of all vessels in the refrigerated sea water pelagic segment of the fleet has been reported to the EU Commission. Any proposed increase in the capacity of the RSW pelagic segment would arise from proposals from individuals or companies. Any such proposal must comply fully with licensing policy for the fishing fleet. This policy is currently under review and I have made available policy proposals for discussion.

Martin Ferris


132 Mr. Ferris asked the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources if his Department took into account safety tonnage, or the tonnage allocated to a fleet (details supplied) when submitting its claim that the refrigerated salt water sector was under European reference levels. [22770/03]

The reports submitted to the European Commission in respect of the capacity of the Irish fleet include the full actual capacity of all vessels in the pelagic refrigerated sea water segment of the fleet including those with outstanding replacement capacity in respect of safety tonnage. These reports do not, and should not, include any capacity held as an entitlement and which is not licensed and registered on the Fishing Boat Register.

Martin Ferris


133 Mr. Ferris asked the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources if any refrigerated salt water vessels were permitted to operate under short-term or temporary licences when they first entered the fleet. [22771/03]

Seven pelagic refrigerated sea water vessels were granted short-term licences in recent years pending determination by the EU Commission in relation to safety tonnage claims under Council Regulation 413/97, and the introduction of a new licensing policy which will address this situation.
