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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 4 Nov 2003

Written Answers. - Animal Identification Scheme.

Paul Connaughton


233 Mr. Connaughton asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the changes he has made to the issuing of herd numbers; if both spouses' names will appear on the herd number communication between his Department and the farm; the reason some farming families have been informed that only one name can be used on the computer to identify herd numbers; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [25406/03]

I have made no changes to the criteria for the issue of herd numbers. The herd number system is an administrative arrangement under the disease eradication schemes and is designed primarily for the purposes of disease control and is also used for recording cattle movements through the CMMS. The criteria used in assessing applications for herd numbers include independent management of the holding, separate housing and fodder, the availability of adequate testing facilities without the possibility of intermixing with cattle from any other herd. In effect a herd number is issued in respect of an epidemiological unit. My Department, as a matter of policy, issues a herd number in the name of one person only, either spouse, which is consistent with Irish and EU legal provisions. If there are two or more persons with an interest in the herd number this fact should be notified to the local district veterinary office where their interest will be noted.
