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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 20 Nov 2003

Vol. 575 No. 1

Written Answers. - Hospital Charges.

Richard Bruton


156 Mr. R. Bruton asked the Minister for Health and Children if he has made provision in the 2004 Estimates to increase charges for casualty attendance, for in-stay in a public ward and for in-stay in a private, semi-private bed and for day attendance in public hospitals and the former; and the proposed levels in each case. [27947/03]

Increases in charges for in-patient services and attendance at accident and emergency departments, from which medical card holders are exempt, will take effect from 1 January 2004. The public hospital statutory in-patient bed charge will be increased by €5 to €45 per night, subject to a maximum payment of €450 in any 12 consecutive months. Attendance at accident and emergency departments is subject to a charge if the patient does not have a letter of referral from a general practitioner. This charge, which applies only to the first visit in any episode of care, will be increased by €5 to €45. In addition to the above statutory charges, the charge for private or semi-private accommodation in a public hospital will increase by 15% from 1 January next. The new charges are as follows:

Hospital Category



Day care

Health board regional hospitalsVoluntary and joint board teaching hospitals

€401(€349 up to 31/12/03)

€314(€273 up to 31/12/03)

€289(€251 up to 31/12/03)

Health board county hospitalsVoluntary non-teaching hospitals

€334(€290 up to 31/12/03)

€269(€234 up to 31/12/03)

€239(€208 up to 31/12/03)

Health board district hospitals

€179(€156 up to 31/12/03)

€153(€133 up to 31/12/03)

€133(€116 up to 31/12/03)
