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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 25 Nov 2003

Vol. 575 No. 3

Written Answers. - Departmental Estimates.

Charlie O'Connor


123 Mr. O'Connor asked the Taoiseach the priorities of his Department for 2004 in the context of the Estimates for 2004; if his attention has been drawn to the huge interest in these matters; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28086/03]

The remit of my Department, as reflected in its mission statement, is to provide me with the support, policy advice and information necessary to enable me to ensure the effective conduct of Government business and provide dynamic leadership, co-ordination and strategic direction in the formulation and implementation of Government policy. Arising from this, I have a leadership role and a corresponding involvement in all major policy areas, for example Northern Ireland, economic and social issues, public service modernisation, the information society and European and wider international policy. These will continue to be a priority for my Department in 2004. My role requires that I take a strategic view of the future, to ensure that Government policy as a whole is geared to meet our country's needs.

The goal of a peaceful, agreed settlement in Northern Ireland remains at the top of the Government's agenda and is a central priority for my Department in the coming year. Managing and leading the European Union efficiently and effectively during Ireland's Presidency in the first half of 2004 will also be a major priority for my Department. Our Presidency takes place at a time of unpredictable international political and economic change. In addition, the historic enlargement of the European Union is scheduled to take place during our Presidency. Intensified engagement with all of our partners in the European Union will be required to ensure the best possible outcomes for the EU and Ireland.

A total provision of €35.254 million has been made in the 2004 Abridged Estimates for my Department, representing an increase of 37% over 2003. However, the bulk of the additional funding is provided in order to meet ongoing commitments to tribunals and commissions of inquiry, as well as payment of benchmarking and national pay awards. A new provision is included to meet costs arising in connection with the EU Presidency in 2004.