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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 27 Nov 2003

Vol. 575 No. 5

Written Answers. - Departmental Funding.

Bernard J. Durkan


178 Mr. Durkan asked the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the various groups or bodies that have, to date, qualified for various grant aid from his Department; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28775/03]

The Deputy will be aware from previous questions that my Department is responsible for a wide range of schemes. Extensive information is already available on my Department's website at, in press releases and in the annual reports of the Comptroller and Auditor General. If the Deputy has a particular scheme in mind, perhaps he will let me know and I will arrange for the information to be made available to him.

Question No. 179 answered with Question No. 9.