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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 11 Dec 2003

Vol. 577 No. 1

Written Answers. - Smoking Ban.

Willie Penrose


179 Mr. Penrose asked the Minister for Health and Children when the proposed smoking ban regulations are coming into force; the way in which they will impact upon hotels, and in particular weddings; if a wedding that was booked in February 2003, with a deposit paid, will be subject to the regulations, in view of the fact that it was booked in advance of them being brought into force; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [30635/03]

As a result of the gap provided for in the original regulations, 26 January 2004, and the expiry of the minimum three month notification period for the amending regulations, an adjustment to this date will be required. I have not yet decided on the specific date.

With regard to hotels, a draft amendment to the regulations was notified to the European Commission on 13 November 2003 exempting sleeping accommodation in hotels. Wedding receptions in hotels will not be exempt from the workplace ban on smoking when the regulations come into operation.