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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 16 Dec 2003

Vol. 577 No. 3

Written Answers. - Decentralisation Programme.

John Bruton


173 Mr. J. Bruton asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the number and grade of staff to move from Dublin to Portlaoise in regard to the move of his Department headquarters; the square footage of the office in which those staff are located in Dublin; if the office is owned by the State; if not, the plans for the disposal of this office once the proposed move has been effected; the precise location in Portlaoise to which the staff will move; the proposed square footage of the office accommodation to be provided there; if the accommodation in question is already built; if not, the plans for building the accommodation; if his Department headquarters will be maintaining a base in Dublin to facilitate Dáil Éireann business, meeting delegations and so on; if so, the location of this accommodation; if discussions have taken place with staff interests with regard to the move; if the staff moving will be eligible for disturbance money; if not, if the additional travelling costs and expenses claims which will be incurred has been estimated; when he expects the move to Portlaoise to be fully complete; if he expects difficulties in the administration of Department policy arising from the fact that the office will no longer be nearby; and if arrangements will be made for civil servants who are local authority tenants in Dublin to obtain similar tenancies in Portlaoise. [31013/03]

John Bruton


174 Mr. J. Bruton asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the number and grade of staff to move from Dublin to Carlow in regard to the move of Teagasc; the square footage of the office in which those staff are located in Dublin; if the office is owned by the State; if not, the plans for the disposal of this office once the proposed move has been effected; the precise location in Carlow to which the staff will move; the proposed square footage of the office accommodation to be provided there; if the accommodation in question is already built; if not, the plans for building the accommodation; if Teagasc will be maintaining a base in Dublin to assist him in regard to Dáil Éireann business, meeting delegations and so on; if so, the location of this accommodation; if discussions have taken place with staff interests with regard to the move; if the staff moving will be eligible for disturbance money; if not, if the additional travelling costs and expenses claims which will be incurred have been estimated; when he expects the move to Carlow to be fully complete; if he expects difficulties in the administration of policy in his Department arising from the fact that the office will no longer be nearby; and if arrangements will be made for civil servants who are local authority tenants in Dublin to obtain similar tenancies in Carlow. [31014/03]

John Bruton


175 Mr. J. Bruton asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the number and grade of staff to move from Dublin to Enniscorthy in regard to the move of Bord Glas; the square footage of the office in which those staff are located in Dublin; if the office is owned by the State; if not, the plans for the disposal of this office once the proposed move has been effected; the precise location in Enniscorthy to which the staff will move; the proposed square footage of the office accommodation to be provided there; if the accommodation in question is already built; if not, the plans for building the accommodation; if Bord Glas will be maintaining a base in Dublin to provide a base to facilitate Dáil Éireann business, meeting delegations and so on; if so, the location of this accommodation; if discussions have taken place with staff interests with regard to the move; if the staff moving will be eligible for disturbance money; if not, if the additional travelling costs and expenses claims which will be incurred have been estimated; when he expects the move to Enniscorthy to be fully complete; if he expects difficulties in the administration of Department policy arising from the fact that the office will no longer be nearby; and if arrangements will be made for civil servants who are local authority tenants in Dublin to obtain similar tenancies in Enniscorthy. [31015/03]

John Bruton


176 Mr. J. Bruton asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the number and grade of staff to move from Dublin to Enniscorthy in regard to the move of An Bord Bia; the square footage of the office in which those staff are located in Dublin; if the office is owned by the State; if not, the plans for the disposal of this office once the proposed move has been effected; the precise location in Enniscorthy to which the staff will move; the proposed square footage of the office accommodation to be provided there; if the accommodation in question is already built; if not, the plans for building the accommodation; if An Bord Bia will be maintaining a base in Dublin to facilitate Dáil Éireann business, meeting delegations and so on; if so, the location of this accommodation; if discussions have taken place with staff interests with regard to the move; if the staff moving will be eligible for disturbance money; if not, if the additional travelling costs and expenses claims which will be incurred have been estimated; when he expects the move to Enniscorthy to be fully complete; if he expects difficulties in the administration of Department policy arising from the fact that the office will no longer be nearby; and if arrangements will be made for civil servants who are local authority tenants in Dublin to obtain similar tenancies in Enniscorthy. [31016/03]

I propose to take Questions Nos. 173 to 176, inclusive, together.

Full details of the Government's decision on decentralisation of 10,300 staff from Departments and the Office of Public Works were outlined by the Minister for Finance in the Budget Statement. This decision includes plans to decentralise staff from the Headquarters of my Department to Portlaoise; An Bord Bia and An Bord Glas to Enniscorthy as well as Teagasc to Carlow. In addition, staff from Cork city will be relocated to Macroom.
My Department is already substantially decentralised as will be seen from the following table. My Department has carried out a number of decentralisations already to Castlebar, Cavan, Portlaoise, Johnstown Castle and Maynooth. It will be necessary to provide new accommodation for the staff moving to the Department's headquarters in Portlaoise.
The detailed arrangements for decentralising the staff concerned will be addressed by my Department and the relevant agencies during the coming months. This will involve detailed examination by my Department and all relevant agencies of the various issues raised by the Deputy as well as other aspects of the decentralisation.
In the interim I can confirm for the Deputy that: the current headquarters of my Department is owned by the State; the offices needed for the new headquarters in Portlaoise have yet not been designed or built; discussions have taken place with representatives of the Department's staff involved and these discussions will be continued; the chairpersons and chief executives of the State agencies have been informed of the decision; Teagasc headquarters was sold earlier this year and the plans for relocating the headquarters to Carlow are advanced; the headquarters of Bord Bia and Bord Glas are in leased buildings. I am satisfied that my Department can function in an effective and efficient manner from the decentralised location.
Department of Agriculture and Food
Staff Numbers by County


Total Staff






















































