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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 16 Dec 2003

Vol. 577 No. 3

Written Answers. - Residential Institutions Redress Scheme.

Liz McManus


116 Ms McManus asked the Minister for Education and Science the total number of persons who have made compensation applications to the Residential Institutions Redress Board at the latest date for which figures are available; the way in which the number of applications compares with the original estimate made by his Department; the latest estimate of the number of likely applications; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [30919/03]

On the basis of the most recent information available from the Residential Institutions Redress Board, which is available on their website in the form of a newsletter, the board had received 2,165 applications up to 24 October 2003. It continues to receive applications at a rate of approximately 50 per week. The newsletter also indicates that, to date, the board has completed the process in 330 cases and 212 offers have been accepted following settlement talks and 66 awards have been made following hearings. The average award is approximately €80,000.

Prior to the establishment of the redress board, my Department had estimated that there would be approximately 5,000 applicants to the redress board and that the average award could be approximately €100,000. While it is too early at this stage to determine the final number of applications, it is the case that if the average award were to remain in the region of €80,000, the original estimate of my Department would accommodate approximately 6,000 claimants. However, the reality is that it is too early to determine what the final outcome will be at this stage of the process.

Question No. 117 answered with Question No. 59.

Question No. 118 answered with Question No. 69.