Table of contents
Thu, 26 Jun 2008
- Prelude
- Requests to move Adjournment of Dáil under Standing Order 32.
- Order of Business.
- Membership of Committees: Motion.
- Planning and Development (Amendment) Regulations 2008: Motion.
- Employment Equality Act 1998: Motion.
- Risk Equalisation (Amendment) Scheme 2008: Motion.
- Planning and Development Regulations 2008: Motion.
- Intoxicating Liquor Bill 2008: Second Stage (Resumed).
- Ceisteanna — Questions.
- Priority Questions.
- Other Questions.
- Private Notice Questions.
- Message from Seanad.
- Adjournment Debate Matters.
- Adjournment Debate.
- Research Funding.
Written Answers.
- Caiteachas Ranna.
- Irish Language.
- National Drugs Strategy.
- Rural Development.
- Nuachtáin Gaeilge.
- Departmental Programmes.
- National Drugs Strategy.
- Departmental Programmes.
- Coistí Ranna.
- Rural Development.
- Community Development.
- Departmental Programmes.
- Cuanta agus Céanna.
- Regulation of Charities.
- National Drugs Strategy.
- Job Losses.
- Departmental Bodies.
- Rail Network.
- Rural Development.
- Departmental Programmes.
- Rural Development.
- Departmental Programmes.
- Gaeltacht Areas.
- Rural Development.
- Departmental Bodies.
- Tourism Industry.
- Inland Waterways.
- Irish Language.
- Voluntary Sector.
- Departmental Programmes.
- Dormant Accounts Fund.
- Departmental Funding.
- Conradh na Gaeilge.
- Irish Language.
- Oileáin Ghaeltachta.
- Tourism Industry.
- Rural Transport Initiative.
- Property Transactions.
- Departmental Expenditure.
- Tax Collection.
- Government Bond Issue.
- Tax Collection.
- Tax Code.
- Tax Collection.
- Disabled Drivers.
- Services for People with Disabilities.
- Health Services.
- Health Service Staff.
- Departmental Expenditure.
- Adoption Services.
- Health Services.
- Housing Aid for the Elderly.
- Inter-Country Adoptions.
- Services for People with Disabilities.
- Health Services.
- Services for People with Disabilities.
- EU Directives.
- Health Service Allowances.
- Tax Code.
- Marine Safety.
- Departmental Expenditure.
- Air Services.
- Public Transport.
- Foreign Conflicts.
- Departmental Expenditure.
- Consular Services.
- Departmental Expenditure.
- Industrial Development.
- Job Protection.
- Employment Rights.
- Departmental Expenditure.
- Swimming Pool Projects.
- Sports Facilities.
- Departmental Expenditure.
- Social Welfare Code.
- Departmental Expenditure.
- Security of the Elderly.
- National Drugs Strategy.
- Community Development.
- Departmental Programmes.
- Planning Issues.
- Rural Development.
- Community Development.
- Departmental Expenditure.
- Grant Payments.
- Fishing Industry Development.
- Grant Payments.
- Data Protection.
- Site Acquisitions.
- School Enrolments.
- Language Support Services.
- Schools Building Projects.
- Pupil-Teacher Ratio.
- Departmental Expenditure.
- Schools Refurbishment.
- Capitation Grants.
- Schools Refurbishment.
- School Staffing.
- Pension Provisions.
- School Accommodation.
- Site Acquisitions.
- Pupil-Teacher Ratio.
- Higher Education Grants.
- Site Acquisitions.
- Defence Forces Health Services.
- Departmental Expenditure.
- Visa Applications.
- Citizenship Applications.
- Departmental Expenditure.
- Garda Deployment.
- Crime Levels.
- Road Traffic Offences.
- Asylum Support Services.
- Residency Permits.
- Citizenship Applications.
- Residency Permits.
- Citizenship Applications.
- Residency Permits.
- Asylum Applications.
- Deportation Orders.
- Asylum Applications.
- Citizenship Applications.
- Residency Permits.
- Asylum Applications.
- Residency Permits.
- Citizenship Applications.
- Housing Aid for the Elderly.
- Outdoor Events.
- Election Management System.
- Departmental Expenditure.
- Special Protection Areas.
- Waste Management.
- Housing Grants.
- Waste Disposal.
- Fire Services.
- Housing Aid for the Elderly.
- Waste Management.
- Local Authority Funding.
- Electricity Transmission.
- Telecommunications Services.
- Energy Resources.
- Telecommunications Services.
- Departmental Expenditure.
- Telecommunications Services.
- National Gas Grid.