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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 4 Nov 2008

Vol. 665 No. 4

Adjournment Debate Matters.

I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 21 and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy John O'Mahony — the closure of Harristown House addiction treatment facility, Castlerea, County Roscommon; (2) Deputy Billy Timmins — changes in policy in respect of flights of extraordinary rendition; (3) Deputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin — the need for the Minister for Health and Children to revisit the fundamentally flawed community child care subvention scheme; (4) Deputy Joe Costello — the need for the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform to state what measures he proposes to take to avoid the mayhem that occurred in Dublin and other parts of the country at Hallowe'en; (5) Deputy Tom Hayes — that many areas in south Tipperary are nominally upgraded and successfully classified on the map of broadband coverage of the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Deputy Eamon Ryan, having been identified as broadband enabled. However, once people are any distance at all from the exchange — sometimes even half a mile — the strength of the signal is such that they cannot get broadband. Is it the Minister's intention that these people will simply never get it and, if so, what has he planned for them? What are we to tell people in these areas nominally serviced by broadband but with no real option of getting it?; (6) Deputy Martin Ferris — the status of the new build for Scoil Eoin primary school, Tralee, the largest primary school in County Kerry; (7) Deputy Deirdre Clune — the provision of gateway funding for the Cork docklands project; and (8) Deputies Kieran O'Donnell and Michael Noonan — the steps being taken to secure the future of jobs at the Dell plant in Limerick.

The matters raised by Deputies Kieran O'Donnell, Michael Noonan, Billy Timmins and Deirdre Clune have been selected for discussion.
