I propose to take Questions Nos. 7 and 33 together.
Students who qualify for a maintenance grant for their attendance on a recognised full-time approved course in a third level institution or PLC centre may also qualify for the higher, special rate of maintenance grant if they satisfy the relevant terms and conditions.
To qualify for the special rate of maintenance grant, usually referred to as the "top-up" grant, an applicant must qualify for the ordinary maintenance grant in respect of the relevant academic year. In addition, total reckonable income must not exceed a specified amount which for the 2008-09 academic year, namely, €20,147 in the 2007 tax year. Finally, the source of income must include one of the eligible long-term social welfare payments prescribed under the scheme.
The number of students qualifying for the special rate of grant is now in excess of 13,500. I would like to assure the Deputy that the Department of Social and Family Affairs Christmas bonus payment is excluded when calculating the reckonable income limit for the special rate of maintenance grant. While a limited number of grant awarding authorities may have, in error, included the Christmas bonus payment as reckonable income, my Department recently issued a letter to awarding authorities indicating that reckonable income should be net of the Christmas bonus payment.
The annual income threshold for the special rate of maintenance grant is increased in line with the relevant social welfare payments. Students eligible for the full non-adjacent rate of grant receive a standard rate grant of €3,420 and a €3,270 top-up amount, giving a total special rate of grant of €6,690. Applicants with reckonable income above the threshold for the special rate may still qualify for the standard rate of maintenance grant.
The student maintenance grant schemes also contain a change in circumstances clause whereby the eligibility of a person may be assessed or re-assessed by the grant awarding body in the event of changes in circumstances which are likely to be permanent, relating, inter alia, to the candidate’s reckonable income. In addition to the maintenance grant schemes, other supports are available for students who may be marginally over the income limits.
The student assistance fund is designed to assist students who, having commenced a third level course, experience financial hardship that may render them unable to continue their studies. In addition, the millennium partnership fund which has been in operation since 2000 provides support to students from disadvantaged areas with a view to improving participation and retention in further or higher education. These funds are administered on behalf of my Department by the National Office for Equity of Access to Higher Education in the Higher Education Authority and are funded by the Government under the National Development Plan 2007-2013.
My Department is currently working with the National Access Office and Pobal in regard to the re-orientation of the millennium partnership fund to support the development of a whole-community approach to equity of access to higher education. In this regard, a consultation process with community partnerships and other stakeholders is currently under way.