Table of contents
Thu, 11 Mar 2010
- Prelude
- Requests to move Adjournment of Dáil under Standing Order 32.
- Order of Business.
- Inland Fisheries Bill 2009: Order for Report.
- Inland Fisheries Bill 2009: Report and Final Stages.
- Report of Joint Committee on the Constitutional Amendment on Children: Statements.
- Adjournment Debate Matters.
- Report of Joint Committee on the Constitutional Amendment on Children: Statements (Resumed).
- Ceisteanna — Questions.
- Priority Questions.
- Other Questions.
- Adjournment Debate.
Written Answers.
- Beef Quality Assurance Scheme.
- Afforestation Programme.
- Official Engagements.
- Grant Payments.
- Restructuring of Sugar Industry.
- Food Industry.
- Farm Waste Management.
- Alternative Farm Enterprises.
- Disadvantaged Areas Scheme.
- Sheep Production.
- Food Industry.
- Porcine Salmonella.
- Cereal Sector.
- Alternative Farm Enterprises.
- Departmental Committees.
- Dairy Sector.
- Alternative Farm Enterprises.
- Proposed Legislation.
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
- Dairy Industry.
- Animal Identification Scheme.
- Official Engagements.
- Agri-environment Scheme.
- Farm Household Incomes.
- Common Fisheries Policy.
- Common Agricultural Policy.
- Dairy Industry.
- Sheep Production.
- Beef Imports.
- Agri-environment Scheme.
- Proposed Legislation.
- Sheep Production.
- Harbours and Piers.
- Beef Imports.
- Agri-environment Scheme.
- Alternative Farm Enterprises.
- Food Industry.
- Agri-environment Scheme.
- Food Labelling.
- Departmental Reports.
- Agri-environment Scheme.
- Food Industry.
- Beef Exports.
- Agri-environment Scheme.
- Horticulture Sector.
- Rural Environment Protection Scheme.
- Agri-environment Scheme.
- Sheep Production.
- Bovine Disease Controls.
- Agri-environment Scheme.
- Bovine Disease Controls.
- Animal Welfare Regulation.
- Sport and Recreational Development.
- Agri-environment Scheme.
- Food Industry.
- Afforestation Programme.
- Agri-environment Scheme.
- Food Labelling.
- Agri-environment Scheme.
- Grant Payments.
- Departmental Correspondence.
- Grant Payments.
- Beef Sector.
- Work Permits.
- FÁS Training Programmes.
- Industrial Development.
- Employment Support Services.
- Redundancy Payments.
- Industrial Relations.
- EU Funding.
- Tobacco Smuggling.
- Carbon Costs.
- Capital Investment Programme.
- National Asset Management Agency.
- Tax Code.
- Banking Sector Regulation.
- Departmental Staff.
- Pension Provisions.
- Tax Code.
- Social Welfare Benefits.
- Health Centres.
- Medical Cards.
- Health Service Agencies.
- Children in Care.
- Nursing Home Subventions.
- Health Services.
- Nursing Homes Support Scheme.
- Medical Cards.
- Hospital Services.
- Adoption Services.
- Misuse of Drugs.
- Nursing Home Inspections.
- Departmental Staff.
- Hospital Accommodation.
- Prescription Charges.
- Community Care.
- Medical Cards.
- Mental Health Services.
- Health Service Staff.
- Medical Cards.
- Child Care Services.
- Care of the Elderly.
- Departmental Reports.
- Harbours and Piers.
- Road Network.
- State Airports.
- Garda Recruitment.
- Vetting of Personnel.
- Garda Stations.
- Registration of Title.
- Visa Applications.
- Citizenship Applications.
- Garda Reserve.
- Human Rights Issues.
- National Theatre.
- National Drugs Strategy.
- Community Support for Older People.
- Social Welfare Code.
- Social Welfare Benefits.
- Community Employment Schemes.
- Social Welfare Benefits.
- Pension Provisions.
- Social Welfare Offices.
- Social Welfare Benefits.
- Defence Forces Property.
- Defence Forces Recruitment.
- Alternative Energy Projects.
- Water and Sewerage Schemes.
- Planning Issues.
- Building Regulations.
- Special Areas of Conservation.
- Horse Racing Industry.
- Grant Payments.
- Teagasc Training Services.
- Grant Payments.
- Food Industry.
- Livestock Numbers.
- Afforestation Programme.
- Dairy Industry.
- Farm Input Costs.
- Cereal Sector.
- Food Labelling.
- Schools Building Projects.
- School Accommodation.
- School Enrolment.
- School Property.
- Schools Building Projects.
- Departmental Correspondence.
- Vocational Education Committees.
- State Examinations.
- School Accommodation.
- School Placement.
- Schools Building Projects.
- Higher Education Grants.
- School Accommodation.