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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 11 Jan 2012

Vol. 751 No. 1

Topical Issue Matters

I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 27A and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy Dessie Ellis - the closure of Garda stations and in particular the future of Whitehall Station, Dublin 9; (2) Deputy Terence Flanagan - the need to enter into a bilateral adoption agreement with Ethiopia; (3) Deputy Michael Healy-Rae - the need to maintain small local schools; (4) Deputy Catherine Byrne - the need to maintain funding to the Base and Ballyfermot Star youth projects in Dublin; (5) Deputy Mattie McGrath - the application process for granting medical cards; (6) Deputy Nicky McFadden - the 4th Western Brigade, Athlone, County Westmeath, and the new structure of the Defence Forces; (7) Deputy John O'Mahony - the changes being implemented to the community employment scheme; (8) Deputy Barry Cowen - the transfer of information relating to pensioners' tax liabilities from the Department of Social Protection to the Revenue Commissioners; (9) Deputy Michael McGrath - the way in which the Revenue Commissioners handled informing 115,000 pensioners of their additional tax liability; (10) Deputies Jerry Buttimer, Micheál Martin and Ciarán Lynch - the need to defend employee rights in view of the dispute at the Vita Cortex plant, Cork; (11) Deputy Derek Keating - the problems of receiving State payments at Lucan Post Office, Dublin; (12) Deputy Tony McLoughlin - coastal erosion and, in particular, the problems around the County Sligo area; (13) Deputy Alan Farrell - the need to exclude those whose homes are affected by pyrite from paying the household charge; (14) Deputy Patrick Nulty - the decision to end the Dial to Stop Drug Dealing phoneline service; (15) Deputy Éamon Ó Cuív - the need to reassess the permitted stocking levels of sheep and cattle in the Maam Turk and Twelve Bens areas of County Galway; (16) Deputy Tom Hayes - the completion of the Fethard and Mullinahone water schemes, County Tipperary; (17) Deputy John Lyons - the importance of completing the physical and social regeneration of Ballymun, Dublin; (18) Deputy Timmy Dooley - the need to declare Ireland a fracking free zone; (19) Deputy Jim Daly - the need to address the accumulation of penalties for people who cannot afford to pay the non-principal private residence charge; (20) Deputies Joanna Tuffy, Richard Boyd Barrett, Seán Crowe, Mary Lou McDonald and Joe Higgins - the need to resolve the problems at the La Senza retail outlets; (21) Deputy Dan Neville - the need to address self-harm and attempted suicide by way of intentional overdosing; (22) Deputy James Bannon - the need to include the rural transport programme in the context of all public transport subventions; (23) Deputy Thomas P. Broughan - the need to review the voluntary health insurance Acts to include services for citizens with an eating disorder in public and private hospitals and clinics; (24) Deputy Dara Calleary - the impending closure of inpatient mental health care services at Ballina District Hospital and the proposed closure of Teach Ashling, Castlebar, County Mayo; (25) Deputy Thomas Pringle - the herring quota allocation review completed in December 2011; (26) Deputy Aodhán Ó Ríordáin - forced labour and the way in which this problem can be tackled; (27) Deputy Seamus Healy - the centralisation of the processing of medical card applications; (28) Deputy Clare Daly - the role of the household charge project board; (29) Deputy David Stanton - the recruitment of additional staff to enable the PET-CT scanner unit at Cork University Hospital to become operational; (30) Deputy Brendan Smith - the need to protect the jobs of the workforce at Lagan Brick, Kingscourt, County Cavan; (31) Deputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin - the need to resolve the problems faced by former workers of Lagan Brick, Kingscourt, County Cavan, and to address the plight of workers in similar situations; (32) Deputy Mick Wallace - the need to resolve the problems faced by residents of the Priory Hall complex, Dublin; (33) Deputy Billy Kelleher - the status of the cystic fibrosis unit; and (34) Deputy Peter Mathews - the need to postpone the redemption of the €1.25 billion bond relating to the former Anglo Irish Bank which is due on 25 January 2012.

The matters raised by Deputies Buttimer, Martin and Ciarán Lynch, Tuffy, Boyd Barrett, Crowe, McDonald and Higgins, Cowen and Farrell have been selected for discussion.
