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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Vol. 802 No. 1

Standing Orders 28, 39 and 102A: Motion

I move:

That, notwithstanding anything in Standing Orders, the Standing Orders of Dáil Éireann relative to Public Business are hereby amended as follows:

1. in Standing Order 39, the substitution of the following for paragraph (2)(a):

'(2)(a) The time allowed for each Question nominated for priority shall not exceed six minutes, of which--

(i) the time allowed for the initial Ministerial reply shall not exceed two minutes: Provided that, where a Minister or Minister of State so requests, the Ceann Comhairle shall direct that a statement containing additional information which is directly relevant to the Ministerial reply be furnished in the Official Report of the Debates, such statement being referred to in the course of the reply, and

(ii) the time allowed for each supplementary Question or the reply thereto shall not exceed one minute.'.

2. in Standing Order 28, paragraph 3(i), after subparagraph (a), by inserting the following:-

‘(aa) Motions in relation to Reports from Committees relating to EU Affairs and other related matters given priority by the Parliamentary Steering Group under Standing Order 102A',


3. by the adoption of the following additional Standing Order:

Consideration of European Affairs

'102A: (1)(a) Dáil Éireann, cognisant of the role of national parliaments in contributing actively to the good functioning of the European Union under the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and of the need to promote and engage in European Union affairs, shall establish a Parliamentary Steering Group on EU Affairs whose function shall be to give parliamentary and cohesive direction in European Affairs matters to enhance the role of the Dáil in EU affairs through engagement with the Government and through Dáil Éireann and its Select Committees.

(b) The Parliamentary Steering Group shall prioritise for debate in the Dáil motions in regard to reports from the Select Committees on EU Affairs or on other related EU matters and such business shall take precedence over other business in the Dáil subject to Standing Order 26: Provided that the Member of Government announcing business shall give an explanation to the Dáil if the priority business is not taken within two weeks of being prioritised and such explanation shall fix another date for the taking of such business.

(c) The Parliamentary Steering Group shall be chaired by the Ceann Comhairle (ex officio) and will also comprise the Chairman of the Working Group of Committee Chairmen, the Chairman of the Select Committee on European Union Affairs and the Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen of other Select Committees established by Dáil Éireann under Standing Order 82A.

(2) Notwithstanding the generality of paragraph (1):

(a) A motion shall be tabled in advance of each EU Presidency by a Member of the Government for adoption by the Dáil setting out the Government's priorities for the EU Presidency for the time being.

(b) The Taoiseach will make statements to the Dáil in advance of and/or following each European Council meeting.

(c) Notwithstanding the generality of Standing Orders 82A and 83 and having regard to the EC Annual Work Programme and the Government priorities for the EU Presidency for the time being as adopted, it shall be a function of the Select Committee on European Union Affairs to present an annual EU work programme for adoption by Dáil Éireann by way of motion which shall set out its own priorities and those of other Committees established under Standing Order 82A.

(3) Dáil Éireann and its Select Committees will promote engagement in European Union affairs, including through measures such as Europe Week and the consideration of EU proposals and initiatives, to foster greater public awareness of the role of the European Union.

(4) In accordance with the European Union (Scrutiny) Act 2002, the Select Committee on European Affairs shall make an annual report to Dáil Éireann on the operation in the preceding year of this Act and include in such report measures and oversight initiatives/activities, such as pre-EU Council engagement with Ministers Council engagement with Ministers, taken by Dáil Éireann and its Select Committees to promote the role of the EU.'.".

Question put and agreed to.