I must now deal with a postponed division relating to Second Stage of the Housing Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Bill 2018, taken on Tuesday, 13 November 2018. On the question, "That the Bill be now read a Second Time", a division was claimed and in accordance with Standing Order 70(2) that division must be taken now.
Housing Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Bill 2018: Second Stage (Resumed) [Private Members]
Question again put: "That the Bill be now read a Second Time."
The Dáil divided: Tá, 47; Níl, 79; Staon, 0.
- Adams, Gerry.
- Barry, Mick.
- Boyd Barrett, Richard.
- Brady, John.
- Broughan, Thomas P.
- Buckley, Pat.
- Burton, Joan.
- Collins, Joan.
- Collins, Michael.
- Connolly, Catherine.
- Crowe, Seán.
- Cullinane, David.
- Daly, Clare.
- Doherty, Pearse.
- Ellis, Dessie.
- Ferris, Martin.
- Fitzmaurice, Michael.
- Fitzpatrick, Peter.
- Funchion, Kathleen.
- Harty, Michael.
- Healy, Seamus.
- Howlin, Brendan.
- Kelly, Alan.
- Kenny, Gino.
- Kenny, Martin.
- Lowry, Michael.
- Martin, Catherine.
- McDonald, Mary Lou.
- McGrath, Mattie.
- Mitchell, Denise.
- Munster, Imelda.
- Murphy, Catherine.
- O'Brien, Jonathan.
- O'Reilly, Louise.
- O'Sullivan, Jan.
- O'Sullivan, Maureen.
- Ó Broin, Eoin.
- Ó Caoláin, Caoimhghín.
- Ó Laoghaire, Donnchadh.
- Ó Snodaigh, Aengus.
- Penrose, Willie.
- Pringle, Thomas.
- Quinlivan, Maurice.
- Ryan, Eamon.
- Smith, Bríd.
- Stanley, Brian.
- Wallace, Mick.
- Aylward, Bobby.
- Bailey, Maria.
- Brassil, John.
- Breathnach, Declan.
- Brophy, Colm.
- Browne, James.
- Bruton, Richard.
- Burke, Peter.
- Butler, Mary.
- Byrne, Catherine.
- Byrne, Thomas.
- Cahill, Jackie.
- Calleary, Dara.
- Canney, Seán.
- Carey, Joe.
- Cassells, Shane.
- Chambers, Jack.
- Chambers, Lisa.
- Collins, Niall.
- Corcoran Kennedy, Marcella.
- Coveney, Simon.
- Cowen, Barry.
- Creed, Michael.
- Curran, John.
- D'Arcy, Michael.
- Daly, Jim.
- Deasy, John.
- Deering, Pat.
- Doherty, Regina.
- Donnelly, Stephen S.
- Donohoe, Paschal.
- Durkan, Bernard J.
- English, Damien.
- Farrell, Alan.
- Fitzgerald, Frances.
- Flanagan, Charles.
- Fleming, Sean.
- Grealish, Noel.
- Griffin, Brendan.
- Harris, Simon.
- Haughey, Seán.
- Humphreys, Heather.
- Kehoe, Paul.
- Kelleher, Billy.
- Kyne, Seán.
- Lahart, John.
- MacSharry, Marc.
- Madigan, Josepha.
- McConalogue, Charlie.
- McEntee, Helen.
- McGuinness, John.
- McHugh, Joe.
- Mitchell O'Connor, Mary.
- Moran, Kevin Boxer.
- Moynihan, Aindrias.
- Moynihan, Michael.
- Murphy O'Mahony, Margaret.
- Murphy, Dara.
- Murphy, Eoghan.
- Murphy, Eugene.
- Naughten, Denis.
- Naughton, Hildegarde.
- Neville, Tom.
- Noonan, Michael.
- O'Brien, Darragh.
- O'Callaghan, Jim.
- O'Connell, Kate.
- O'Dowd, Fergus.
- O'Keeffe, Kevin.
- O'Rourke, Frank.
- Ó Cuív, Éamon.
- Phelan, John Paul.
- Rabbitte, Anne.
- Rock, Noel.
- Ross, Shane.
- Smith, Brendan.
- Smyth, Niamh.
- Stanton, David.
- Zappone, Katherine.
Tellers: Tá, Deputies Seamus Healy and Catherine Murphy; Níl, Deputies Seán Kyne and Tom Neville.
Question declared lost.