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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 2 Jul 2019

Vol. 984 No. 5

Parole Bill 2016: Instruction to Committee

I move:

That, pursuant to Standing Order 154, it be an instruction to the Committee of the whole Dáil, to which the Parole Bill 2016 may be recommitted, that it has power on recommittal to make provision in relation to:

(a) the appointment of a Chief Executive of the Parole Board and associated provisions including the terms of such appointment, the accountability of the Chief Executive to the Oireachtas and related matters;

(b) the nomination of family members to make submissions to the Board where the victim is deceased;

(c) the notification process when a prisoner becomes eligible for parole;

(d) the procedures of the Board in the making of decisions on the granting, varying and revocation of parole orders and related matters; and

(e) any consequential matters arising therefrom.

Question put and agreed to.