I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 29A and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy Aindrias Moynihan - to discuss the pressure for secondary school places for students in Ballincollig; (2) Deputy Mattie McGrath - to discuss the Central Bank report on motor insurance premiums; (3) Deputy Frank O'Rourke - to discuss the advancement of housing development in vacant lands at Hazelhatch, Celbridge, County Kildare; (4) Deputies John Curran, Eoin Ó Broin, Gino Kenny and Mark Ward - to discuss the imminent withdrawal of Jigsaw mental health services from premises in Clondalkin; (5) Deputies Malcolm Byrne and John Brady - to discuss overcrowding on trains on the Dublin-Rosslare rail line; (6) Deputy Mary Butler - to discuss the services at the stoma clinic in University Hospital Waterford; (7) Deputy Michael Moynihan - to discuss progress of the new primary school in Kanturk, County Cork; (8) Deputy Maureen O'Sullivan - to discuss the seizure of 12 greyhounds for export at Dublin Port by Revenue officials; (9) Deputies Kathleen Funchion and Seán Crowe - to discuss the impact of insurance costs on childcare providers; (10) Deputy John Brassil - to discuss the cut to short-stay residential beds in 2020; (11) Deputy Éamon Ó Cuív - socruithe a phlé do mhic léinn ó Scoil Chuimsitheach Chiaráin ar an gCeathrú Rua taisteal in aisce faoin scéim iompair scoile ar sheirbhísí Bhus Éireann do ghníomhaíochtaí iarscoile go Leitir Mealláin; (12) Deputy Pat The Cope Gallagher - to discuss measures taken to reopen the live crab export market to China; (13) Deputies Sean Sherlock, Richard Boyd Barrett and Joan Collins - the crisis in the childcare sector accessing insurance; (14) Deputy Ruth Coppinger - to discuss deaths in cases of domestic violence, including six in 2019, and 230 deaths of women since 1996; (15) Deputy Pat Buckley - to discuss the lack of broadband services in Cobh, County Cork; (16) Deputy Eugene Murphy - to discuss the ongoing safety concerns on the N5 at Tulsk national school in Tulsk village, County Roscommon; and (17) Deputy Brian Stanley - to discuss the commencement of the consultation process on services at Portlaoise hospital.
The matters raised by Deputies Frank O'Rourke; Sean Sherlock, Richard Boyd Barrett and Joan Collins; John Curran, Eoin Ó Broin, Gino Kenny and Mark Ward; and Malcolm Byrne and John Brady have been selected for discussion.