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Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals

There are a number of new proposals before the committee for consideration. The first proposal is COM (2009) 480. Based on information available it is proposed that this adopted proposal be noted. Is that agreed? Agreed. The next proposal is COM (2009) 575. It is proposed to note this adopted measure. Is that agreed? Agreed. The next proposal is COM (2010) 80. Given that there are no reported difficulties for Ireland, it is proposed that this adopted measure does not warrant further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed. COM (2010) 123 is a proposal for a Council regulation amending regulation (EC) No. 1487/2005 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty and definitively collecting the provisional duty imposed on imports of certain finished polyester filament fabrics originating in the People's Republic of China. Based on the information available, it is proposed that this adopted proposal be noted. Is that agreed? Agreed. The next proposal is COM (2010) 140. It is proposed to note this adopted measure. Is that agreed? Agreed.

Item 2 relates to proposals for no further scrutiny. The first proposal is COM (2009) 585. Given that this is a technical measure with no particular implications for Ireland, it is proposed that it does not require further scrutiny by this committee. Is that agreed? Agreed. The next proposal is COM (2010) 18. It is proposed that this proposal does not warrant further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed. The next proposal is COM (2010) 129. Based on the information available, it is proposed that this proposal does not warrant further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed? The next proposal is COM (2010) 136. Based on the information provided by the Department, it is submitted that this trade proposal does not warrant further scrutiny by this committee? Is that agreed? The next proposal is COM (2010) 139. Based on the information provided by the Department, it is submitted that this technical proposal does not warrant further scrutiny by this committee. Is that agreed?

The next proposal is COM (2010) 144. Based on the information provided by the Department, it is submitted that this technical proposal does not warrant further scrutiny by this committee. Is that agreed? The next proposal is COM (2010) 149. Based on the information provided by the Department, it is submitted that this budgetary proposal does not warrant further scrutiny by this committee. Is that agreed? The next proposal is COM (2010) 150. Based on the information provided by the Department, it is submitted that this proposal does not warrant further scrutiny by this committee. Is that agreed? The next proposal is COM (2010) 152. It is proposed that this proposal does not warrant further scrutiny? Is that agreed? Agreed. The next proposal is COM (2010) 195. Based on the information provided by the Department, it is submitted that this humanitarian proposal does not warrant further scrutiny by this committee. Is that agreed? Agreed.

The next item is EWN: 2010/C 123/11. It is proposed that this measure does not require further scrutiny at this stage. Is that agreed? Agreed. The next measure is EWN: L 2/5. Given that there are no reported difficulties for Ireland, it is proposed that this trade matter does not warrant further scrutiny. Is that agreed? Agreed.

Item 3 relates to proposals for no further scrutiny to be sent to sectoral committee for information. The first proposal is COM (20010) 19. It is proposed that this proposal does not warrant further scrutiny by this committee. It is also proposed that it is forwarded to the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs for information. Is that agreed? Agreed. The next proposal is COM (2010) 82. Given that (1) the earlier proposal, which this proposal follows on from, was already scrutinised by this committee last year, including at a meeting in public session with representatives from the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform and (2) that the committee agreed not to scrutinise a parallel proposal 16801/09, but did refer it to the Joint Committee on Justice, Equality, Defence and Women's Rights for information, in anticipation of its referral to that committee in advance of Dáil and Seanad opt-in motions, it is submitted that the proposal does not warrant further scrutiny by this committee and should be forwarded to the Joint Committee on Justice, Equality, Defence and Women's Rights for information. Is that agreed? Agreed.

COM (2010) 181 is a proposal for a council decision concerning the conclusion of consultations with the Republic of Madagascar under Article 96 of the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement. It is proposed that this proposal does not warrant further scrutiny by this committee. It is also proposed that it is forwarded to the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs for information. Is that agreed? Agreed.
