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Joint Committee on Health debate -
Tuesday, 12 Jun 2018

Tháinig an Comhchoiste le chéile ag 12:00 p.m.
The Joint Committee met at 12:00 p.m.
Comhaltaí a bhí i láthair / Members present:

Teachtaí Dála / Deputies

Seanadóirí / Senators

John Brady

Alice-Mary Higgins.

Joan Collins

Stephen Donnelly

Bernard J. Durkan

Fiona O'Loughlin

Bríd Smith.

Teachta / Deputy John Curran sa Chathaoir / in the Chair.
The attendance list is a composite list of members of the Joint Committee on Employment Affairs and Social Protection, Joint Committee on Education and Skills and Joint Committee on Health. Committee Chairs are styled as Co-Chairman.