I propose that the petitions considered by the committee at this meeting and at previous meetings may be published and the replies from the Department and other bodies may also be published. Is that agreed? Agreed.
We have three petitions for consideration.
The first of them is No. P00036/21, concerning reform of insurance for thatched heritage buildings, from Katie McNelis. A lot of work has gone into this and there has been correspondence back from the Alliance for Insurance Reform. The recommendations are: the comment and suggestions on the way forward from the Alliance for Insurance Reform be forwarded to the petitioner for comment within 14 days; the comment and suggestions on the way forward from Alliance for Insurance Reform be forwarded to Insurance Ireland for comment within 14 days; the comment and suggestions on the way forward from Alliance for Insurance Reform be forwarded to the Minister of State at the Department of Finance with responsibility for financial services, credit unions and insurance for comment within 14 days; and the comment and suggestions on the way forward from Alliance for Insurance Reform be forwarded to the Minister or State at the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage with responsibility for nature, heritage and electoral reform for comment with 14 days. Do members have any views on that or is it agreed?