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Joint Committee on the Secondary Legislation of the European Communities debate -
Wednesday, 7 May 1975


Programme, May 1975
1. Less-Favoured Areas:
Disadvantaged areas scheme. Completion of consideration.
2. Plant Health:
Proposed directive on the approximation of the laws of the member states on fertilisers.
3. Pigmeat:
Proposed Council regulation laying down general rules to be applied in the event of a substantial fall in pigmeat prices.
4. Animal Feeding Stuffs:
Proposed directive concerning additives in feeding stuffs.
5. Agricultural Structure:
Proposed Council directive on special aid for young farmers who have been farming for less than 5 years and are implementing a development plan.
6. Fisheries:
Proposed regulation regarding granting of aid for the private storage of fishery products.
7. Forestry:
Proposed directive on forestry measures.
8. Poultry:
Proposed regulation on the marketing standards for poultry meat.
9. Milk Products:
Proposed regulation laying down general rules for the quality and marketing of liquid milk.
10. Proposed regulation on production and marketing of preserved milk for human consumption.
11. Proposed regulation relating to the production and marketing of heat-treated milk.