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Seanad Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 8 May 1929

Vol. 12 No. 8

Legal Practitioners (Qualification) Bill, 1928.

I suggest that the Committee Stage of this Bill be deferred for a week, if that is agreeable to the House. I have one particular reason for it. I have an amendment which I had hoped to table for this stage dealing with the definitions—a very important one which, if tabled, would very largely influence the consideration of other amendments, but I was not in time to have it tabled for this stage of the proceedings, and I would like to have it considered.


You are entitled to move that.

I move that this Bill be adjourned until this day week.

I have not heard any good reason from the Senator.


It has been proposed and seconded.

Are we allowed to discuss it?



I have heard no reason from the Senator as to why we should not proceed now. The Committee Stage was definitely adjourned until to-day.

If there is any objection I will not press the matter.

On the question of procedure, I understand that this is more or less a Private Bill, and the Senator in charge of the Bill asks to have the Committee Stage postponed. I think the House ought to accept that. I have no interest in the matter, but I think if the Senator in charge of the Bill asks for that we ought to agree to it.

If it were for the private convenience of Senator Milroy, I would not object at all, but it is only, as Senator Farren says, more or less a Private Bill.


Rather more than less.

I object to any adjournment. We have already adjourned a considerable part of our business, and I do not see any reason why we should adjourn this part. No new fact has arisen, and we are in no difficulty that we would not be in a week hence; I think that we ought to proceed. It causes a great deal of unnecessary trouble when the programme is altered.

I think that some Senators went away with the expectation that this would be postponed.

This being the evening of the Show, and being such a beautiful evening, I think it would be a pity to introduce this controversial matter now, and I would appeal to Senator Brown to agree to the suggestion.

I want to make it very clear that I am prepared to go on, but I thought the suggestion to defer the matter for a week might be agreeable to the critics of the Bill. There seems to be some particular reason why they are anxious to go on, and I do not want to prevent them from continuing the discussion.

I am very anxious that the Committee Stage should be taken this week.

One definite reason I had for asking for an adjournment of this matter was that I have an amendment to amend the definition in Section 1 of the Bill. I had not time to get it circulated. In my opinion the amendment is one which would materially influence the course of the discussion.

Would the Senator kindly read it?

Certainly. In Section 1 to delete all after the word "practitioner" in line 20, and to substitute therefor the words, "efficiently to take instructions from and to advise clients, to examine witnesses, and to follow proceedings in the Irish language."

In view of the fact that the Senator is going to move as drastic an amendment as that, I consent to an adjournment until this day week.

Question put and agreed to.