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Seanad Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 5 Jun 1929

Vol. 12 No. 12

Public Business. - Intoxicating Liquor (Amendment) Bill, 1929—First Stage.

I move for leave to introduce:

A Bill entitled an Act to amend the Intoxicating Liquor Act, 1927, in relation to the sale of intoxicating liquor in the Dublin Metropolitan area on Sunday, the 23rd day of June, 1929.

This Bill which I am asking leave to introduce is also sponsored by Senator Dowdall and Senator O'Hanlon. I believe it is not usual to have a lengthy speech on the introduction of a Bill.


There should be no debate.

The Sunday mentioned, the 23rd of June next, is the day on which the concluding ceremonies in connection with the Catholic Emancipation Centenary celebrations will take place in the City of Dublin. The Bill is an extremely short one, consisting of only a few lines. The only point I would like to mention is that, as the time is now so short, I propose to ask the House, if the Bill gets a Second Reading, to agree to the suspension of Standing Orders so that the Bill may be passed through all its stages on the one day. I would suggest that the Second Reading of the Bill be taken on this day week.

I second.

Leave granted. Bill read a first time.
Second Stage ordered for Wednesday, the 12th of June.

As I have indicated, I propose moving the suspension of Standing Orders on Wednesday next so that all the remaining stages of the Bill may be taken on that day.

The Seanad adjourned at 6.45 p.m. until Thursday, the 6th of June, at 3 p.m.
