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Seanad Éireann debate -
Thursday, 12 Mar 1931

Vol. 14 No. 10

Public Health (Special Expenses) Bill, 1930—Committee Stage.


The Minister is not in attendance at the moment.

I suggest that the consideration of this Bill be postponed. Even though these are formal Bills and there is no likelihood of any change, arrangements ought to be made for the presence here of somebody able to speak with authority on the measure and on behalf of the Minister. If the Minister himself is not able to be present, some Senator might be deputed by the Minister to speak upon these measures. In the absence of any such arrangement I think we ought not now to take this Bill into consideration.

The point raised by Senator Johnson is an exceedingly old one. Perhaps it might be possible for the Committee on Procedure to discuss the difficulty that frequently arises in this House. Perhaps in the course of a discussion with the Executive Council it might be possible to bring about some suitable arrangement. We are in the difficulty that it is perfectly obvious we cannot sometimes go ahead with the consideration of Bills. There are Bills which may not call for much discussion and which could be gone on with here, but, naturally enough, on principle we do not wish to consider them without the Minister being present. It occurred to me that it might be a good thing if the Committee on Procedure were to consider the matter. This is not perhaps in order at the moment, but I think it would be most desirable if an arrangement were made whereby some of the Bills brought forward would be first considered in this House. We would then be placed in a much better position from the point of view of considering legislation. Perhaps some arrangement of that sort could be brought about.


It is a very good suggestion, and I am sure it will be considered. The Minister for Local Government and Public Health is now in attendance.

Bill passed through Committee without amendment, and reported. Fourth Stage fixed for Wednesday, 18th March.