For the convenience of Senators, perhaps you, Sir, could give me some indication as to when we will be called back again?
The Adjournment.
Wednesday, the 18th of January, was fixed as the date of the new Session.
Are we really needed so early as the 18th January?
There was a discussion as to the date with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, and it was agreed then that the 18th of January would be suitable.
My recollection was that the subject was mentioned twice and that the 18th of January was put down haphazard.
The suggestion that the 18th of January be put down was agreed to.
The purpose of our meeting was to take the Holiday Bill so as to have our amendments ready for the meeting of the Dáil on the 8th of February.
That is so.
Mr. Hayes
Surely a fortnight before the meeting of the Dáil would give plenty of time.
It was Senator Douglas suggested the 18th. The Minister was not very particular about it.
Mr. Hayes
The Minister said that the Bill would do him at the end of February.
He did.
It was agreed by the House that we meet on the 18th January. There was a definite agreement on that, I think.
Only very tentative.
You are at liberty to alter the date if you wish.
Mr. Hayes
You, Sir, have power, under the Standing Orders, to summon the House earlier than the date which was fixed for the Adjournment if it turns out that certain business should be done. You could summon us to meet on the 11th, a week before the 18th, but if you fix the 18th at a meeting, you cannot subsequently postpone it until the 25th. That is a matter Senators should have in mind when fixing the date. There is nothing to prevent the Cathaoirleach summoning us earlier.
With regard to that, there is a very important motion in the names of Senator Foran and Senator Lynch, which has been postponed on a number of occasions because we had not time to discuss it. There is a commission being set up by the Minister for Agriculture, and I think it would be well that we should have the Labour Party's view on that particular subject.
Senator Foran does not seem to raise any objection to the alteration of the date of our next meeting from 18th January to 25th January.
I suggest that we leave it until the 25th, and if it is necessary to call an earlier meeting we can do so. A fortnight is certainly sufficient, in my estimation.
The Seanad adjourned at 7.35 p.m. until Wednesday, 25th January, 1939, at 3 p.m.