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Seanad Éireann debate -
Thursday, 9 Mar 1944

Vol. 28 No. 14

Vocational Education (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill, 1943—Report and Final Stages.

There is one small amendment.

I move:—

In page 3, Section 5, sub-section (1) (a), line 20, and in sub-section (1) (b), at the end of line 30 immediately after the word "vocational" to insert in each place the word "education".

This is merely to correct the printer's errors.

Amendment agreed to.
Question—"That the Bill, as amended, be received for final consideration"—put and agreed to.
Question—"That the Bill do now pass"—put and agreed to.
Ordered: "That the Bill, with amendment, be returned to the Dáil."