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Seanad Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 6 Jul 1949

Vol. 36 No. 16

Order of Business.

It is proposed to take the business as on the Order Paper. When the Committee Stage of the Finance Bill has been finished the Minister hopes the House will see fit to take the remaining stages.

Apart from the business on the Order Paper, three other Bills have been received from the Dáil, that is, the Land Reclamation Bill, the Seeds and Fertilisers Supply Bill and the Infanticide Bill. It is intended, in accordance with the previous decision of the Committee on Procedure and Privileges, to put these Bills on the Order Paper for to-morrow, in spite of the Standing Order which says that there must be three days' notice. I take it that there is no objection to that and that if any other Bills come from the Dáil to-day the same thing may be done.

